In Spirituality
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Mornings can be difficult times because sleep is a double-edged sword. While on one hand, it rests your mind and your limbs, on the other hand it leaves you with lethargy, lack of freshness, anxiety, a certain touchiness and sensitivity to any type of triggers. Few or all of above.


When our conscious minds rest, our unconscious takes over. It gets free reins when we are in slumber. The unconscious is full of metaphorical demons, or technically speaking – suppressed energies. While sleeping, a certain installment of these surfaced energies is downloaded onto our aura or our electro magnetic field. Our aura is now full of negative ions from these surfaced energy concentrations.

That is precisely why most religions recommend a bath immediately after getting up in the morning. Water washes away the toxins from the cells and the energy concentrations from the aura.

Exercise, meditation, breathwork, fasting until noon and prayer have similar effects. Once we are done with our own personalized regimen of a few minutes or hours in the morning, we are full of positive energy and ready to take on the world.


The prevalence of these post-slumber negative emotions can be a very tricky affair. If you are not aware, you can get carried away into interpersonal conflicts during this time.

It is ideal to be done with your rejuvenating regimen before interacting with anybody. However if you tend to mingle with your family (the big button-pusher) before doing your rejuvenating practices, you should consciously keep the threshold of awareness very high.

Some times you may have woken up early and rejuvenated yourself but the others in your family are full of negativity in their aura leading to a resultant picky mood. Their toxicity can easily pull you too into small or big interpersonal friction. This is where one’s awareness again plays an important role.


Similar is the situation in the night when you are tired and flagged out. Unless you have some exercise or meditation discipline to reenergize yourself, awareness will be your only redeemer for handling any post-work blues at home as well.

Sticking to energising disciplines and a high threshold of personal awareness together act as an anti-dote to beating morning blues.

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