In Material Success
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The moment money becomes a measure of how worthy you are, you have dug your own grave. Now you size your self‐worth in proportion to the money you have raked away in your bank account. Well, this is a trap, also a catch 22 of sorts. You can’t feel good about yourself until you have made enough money and you can’t make enough money, by and large, until you feel good about yourself. Why should money be good to somebody who isn’t good to himself prior to making money? You attract all goodies only when you are good to yourself.

There is One more reason why such an attitude is moronic to begin with. If your self worth is based upon the money you make, you are already in for a miserable life as long as you haven’t made it big. And this could be a chase that could take quite a few years. No sane person wants to let his happiness be held hostage by a chase that may consummate only years later. It’s a bad deal. But yet far too many of us fall for this bad deal; don’t we?

You are great the way you are. Money need not make you great or greater. The fact that God has chosen you to be, to exist, to go about experiencing and savoring the planet Earth, is enough of a reason for you to offer respect to yourself, to see yourself as worthy. You need not decide your price tag based on fickle external standards like money or fame or power.

Projecting such illusory power onto money is the cause of our misery. The day you understand that your self worth has little to do with your bank balance, you are free. And then money doesn’t mind flowing in freely to you as well.

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